Quick Thoughts

Goodbye 2022, Hello 2023

New Year's Eve has always been a curious time of the year for me. I'm not a big party person so I don't tend to go out with friends. Mostly I usually take New Year's Eve as a quiet night at home where I keep an eye on my young son while he's asleep and I maybe stay up for the New Year. In recent years, I've used this alone time to just do something tech I enjoy.

Last year, I went in and wiped and reloaded my computer. I'd been meaning to do it for a while so I just took the evening and did it. And honestly. it was the best New Year's Eve I'd had in a while.

This year, I'll likely be doing something similar. I think I'm going to test a new operating system. I'll likely grab a spare laptop from my pile (side question - do all tech people have a pile of laptops in their house or is it just me?) and load up Fedora.

I've never used Fedora before as I discovered Ubuntu before I knew about Fedora. Since then I've always played with Ubuntu official flavors or Ubuntu derivatives. I daily drive Kubuntu since I like KDE and I'm so used to the Ubuntu base. But I've sort of forgotten about non-Ubuntu-based Linux distros.

So I'll be installing Fedora tonight. I'll let you know how it goes.